About the conference

HURBE2021 “Making healthy cities for people. Education, research and practice in planning, architecture and engineering" Conference launched by the HURBE consortium under the Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education (CBHE) project “Healthy URBan Environment Developing Higher Education in Architecture and Construction in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

HURBE2021 aims to share interdisciplinary vision studies, plans, projects, and experiences for making Healthy City. Through the conference’s specific themes, it connects scholars and practitioners in the geographic region of the HURBE project consortium countries. With the rise of inhabitants in urban areas in the last twenty years, the topic of Healthy City continues to gain attention all over the world. Statistical data confirms the growing trend: in 2018 55% of the world population lives in urban areas, and according to the last projection it is increasing to 68% by 2050. Europe is a highly dense continent and it is estimated that, in 2019, 74.5% of the European population is urban. This is despite Europe’s low fertility rate, population decline, and significant diversity in urbanization levels. In 2019 in Europe, more than one-fifth (20.3 %) of the population was aged 65 and over, and it is estimated that the people aged 80 years or more should double by the year 2100, reaching 14.6 % of the total population. This scenario has a strong impact on the city, in terms of resource consumption, service demand, spatial systems, health, and social relations, and it can produce significant changes in the health states of city dwellers. The 11th Sustainable Development Goal titled “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” highlights the importance of planning and managing the city transformation processes and urges the world’s countries to reach the seven targets of the 11th Goal’s: housing and basic services; transport systems; urbanization and capacity for participatory; cultural and natural heritage; natural disaster prevention; environmental impact of cities; universal access to green and public spaces. In this scheme, the Healthy City is conceived as the "one that is continually creating and improving those physical and social environments and expanding those community resources which enable people to mutually support each other in performing all the functions of life and developing to their maximum potential"

The conference identifies three thematic areas identified as follow:
  1. Healthy spatial planning. Integrating health considerations into urban planning processes, programmes, and projects, especially emphasizing master planning, transport accessibility, and neighborhood planning.
  2. Healthy urban and architectural design. Integrating health considerations in creating socially supportive environments, enhancing cities’ distinctive and multifaceted cultural assets in urban design, and promoting designs that meet all citizens’ expectations for safety, accessibility, comfort, and active living. This thematic area focuses also on better housing for all, creativity, and all relevant subtopics of the healthy urban and architectural design.
  3. Healthy engineering. Integrating health considerations into technical design, construction, operation, and processes, with specific attention to the building and mechanical engineering-related branches such as the noise reduction in all its forms, air pollution, toxic and health-damaging substances, and the potentialities of modern technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT).
The conference organizers invite researchers, professionals, and experts to submit their scientific studies, accomplished projects, and teaching experiences within the three thematic areas. The conference welcomes theoretical and practice oriented contributions addressing topics in one or some of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia.

Call for papers >>

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